New Zealand is experiencing some of the highest living costs in the OECD . According to
Investopedia, “the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is variously referred to as a
think tank or monitoring group. Its stated goals include fostering economic
development and cooperation; fighting poverty; and ensuring the environmental
impact of growth and social development is always considered”.
So, given that NZ is a signed up member of this economic
development group to fight poverty while minimising harm to the environment which
supports all living things, why is housing becoming more unaffordable? In 2017
Oxfam released a report on the growing gap between the haves
and have not’s and this now rings true in Aotearoa. The report points out that
the global economy is designed to enable the wealthy to accumulate more wealth
and avoid taxation. As reported by Stuff
NZ, “28 per cent of all wealth made went to the richest 1 per cent
of Kiwis in 2017. The 1.4 million poorest New Zealanders got just 1 per cent
of that wealth”.
seems that money has become the new god to worship in many developed nations
and our slice of heaven has become a more popular place for those with wealth
to take cover from the maddening crowds. Now, you’re probably thinking, how
does this fit with unaffordable housing in NZ ? Well, our government is hell
bent on attracting them
to invest to grow the economy and that’s just what they’re doing. As a result
of all this investment from off shore, us poor average Kiwi’s are now at the
bottom of the heap when it comes to finding a place to shack up. Don’t get me
wrong, there are some that are benefiting massively from all the property
investment hype. Real estate agencies are lapping it up with vim and vigour. Oneroof
creates its own hype and publishes a continuous barrage of articles with titles
such as:
discovered NZ's top models, so what's his apartment like?
Oneroof Hypes up the real estate market using a range of PR tactics. Source: Oneroof Real Estate News
are just a few of the “real estate news” items to be found on Oneroof’s
website. Who is Oneroof? Well, I’m glad you asked. Oneroof is a subsidiary of NZME which is owned by
Australian media giant Fairfax Media.
It seems that foreign owned media companies are in on the deal of hyping
up the property market which they quite likely have big investments in as well.
The vicious cycle of greedy capitalism seeks to keep those with wealth in a
position to create more wealth while the average jo scrapes the bottom of
the barrel.
is the term coined by writer Oliver
James who points out that fixation on material possessions and money has
lead to severe dept and depression for many who can’t acquire what
the Joneses have. Mr James states that selfish capitalism feeds materialism,
unrealistic ideals and increases consumerism in a bid to promote short term
economic growth. Furthermore, mental illness results from the perfectionist
competitive work culture which pervades society brought about by glossy
advertising and slick marketing.
are not immune to these influences and offshore media organisations have become
the viral centre for this social sickness. The fourth estate which was seen as
a watchdog for the ruling estates has in my opinion become corrupt. The
forth estate seems more focused on growing wealth through real estate.
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